

According to Ancient medical science, Constipation is Mother of all other diseases.

Water therapy
Water therapy is an effective therapy which can be used by everyone.
Start drinking 4 glasses of water in the morning instead of bed Tea.
Drink 12-15 glasses of water in whole day.

Make a habit of morning and evening walk atleast for 30 minutes.

Practice yoga regularly after learning it from an expert.

Mental Peace

Attaining mental peace
Times News Network, 10 March 07

It is important to clear certan misconceptions we hold in our mind about mental peace
Peace means nothing is happening, it’s a state of inaction.Fact: By practicing meditation for a few minutes everyday, you can soon experience a stage in which you are physically active yet mentally at peace, when the mind is active but nothing negative happens inside it.
Living a peaceful life is being submissive. Fact: The power of peace that you acquire through meditation makes you assertive. Emotions like anger and fear are reflected in our behaviour in the form of aggression and submission respectively and make you emotionally weak. Peace is strength.
To remain in an inner peace experience, you have to segregate yourself from the world. Fact: You have been using the world to stimulate yourself mentally and emotionally. If in meditation, you now suddenly segregate yourself from it, you will experience an increased attraction towards it. Thus, initially it is wiser to include only short spells of meditation in your daily routine, otherwise it could do you more harm than benefit.
Meditation: Experience each thought by holding it in your awareness: Let’s move away from the demands and the needs of our chaotic world, and slip into our inner world, into the quiet room of the mind...It is a place, a space of calm, stillness and peace... Here, I can let go of my concerns, worries and constant fears... In this plain of peace, the incessant voices grow distant and quiet... And in this arena of inner calm, my racing thoughts begin to slow down and are absorbed into that inner peace... I am surrounded by silence, by peace... And that soft vibration soothes my mind and calms my thoughts and I am held in that spell of tranquility... I am bathed in the inner light of the inner self... And I float and drift in this sea of silence, in this sea of peace...For here the waves of the world cannot come and I feel light and free and calm...


Useful Links

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